December 12, 2009

Frozen memoirs

The only thing that remains unfrozen
on the white slate under a black gaze
hanging like snow flakes on a windless night
are my memories

They wander like the flowing river
eternally connected to the source
not stopping or waiting
flowing and gathering more memories
like the pebble stones
and die in a greater pool of stories untold

Some memories are left on shore
some lost in the oceans roar
yet others in strangers tale

Memories of the dangling hand, that wasn't held
Memories of destined serpent turns of fate
of unknown falls, unknown until felt
Memories of gushing chatter echoing of deaf valley

Memories, they dry to leave trace of a life that once was
Once remembered to be forgotten forever


  1. Awesome words chosen again !!

    The second stanza was just so fitting....

    Looking forward !!

  2. Some memories are left on shore
    some lost in the oceans roar
    yet others in strangers tale

    The best para of the lot.

  3. Nice!! I like the part about the pebble stones... though you could've compared it to moss on rolling stones as well. Good one, anyway.

  4. high time u pen down a poem on happiness...with no trace of melancholy in it...
