Take out a digital camera and you don't have to say cheese for me to smile. Oh, I so love cameras.
When Aamir Khan in DCH said the first word he uttered wasn't mama or papa but camera, I laughed at the ridiculous attempt at humor. But the last couple of years Ive been proven so wrong by likes of him, not only was their first word camera its the only word you hear from them while travelling .In times like these , when its so happening,not only does the tiny object help you capture those precious moments of life, it also brings out the "true" you , the "inner most" you and captures it.And how thankful should we be.
You have the self obsessed. They are self sustaining kind. They don't need no backdrop, light, reason/occasion. Camera is out and there is one and only one subject, the person holding the camera. They thank the lord for the small LCD screen for without one they wouldn't have been able to see their TINY ego. Its no surprising then, that they never seem to be satisfied by the image of themselves.They say looks can be deceiving but these 'smart' souls are not deceived by the image of themselves and continue clicking till eternity for the right look to be captured.
You have the artists. They are the ones who truly believe they will change the world with their unimaginable view. They take shots of sun in black and white to make a point that moon and the sun are the same. Stupid as we are, we get the point cause of their creative geniuses. They scale mountains and capture the lush green landscape in sepia mode and claim nature as truly beautiful.How I wish I had that kind of unimaginable view of the world.
Then you have the clickers. Before starting out , be it a trip(doesn't necessarily have to a long one..could be as short as a trip to local grocer) or your daily routine, they click to remind you of your life. You open the door "click", waiting for the lift "click", inside the lift "click", get out "click".Ahh, how thankful am I for making me remember such important achievements of life. They have a fantastic reason to do the same, "God of small things", beauty always is in the small things of life. Hmmm....
Last but not the least, you have people like me. They are the ones, for some odd reason, the camera never seems to capture their smile, excitement or inner happiness . Cant wait to be infront of one. Hoping my true emotions are captured this time round.